Tag Archive for: taxiways

In Goa, India, the renovated Manohar International Airport, the second largest airport in the region, began operations

The airport’s roads and runways are designed with robust and sustainable infrastructure that includes an economical solar power plant, eco-friendly building design, energy-efficient LED runway lighting, rainwater harvesting systems and a wastewater treatment plant with advanced recycling capabilities. The airport officially began operations with the arrival of its first passenger flight from Hyderabad.

The main innovation in the construction of Manohar Airport is the use of StabilRoad© technology, which is an innovative and environmentally friendly road construction solution. StabilRoad© technology increases durability and reduces environmental impact. By incorporating StabilRoad© technology, Manohar Airport has achieved a more resilient and sustainable ground infrastructure that meets global standards of environmentally conscious development.

StabilRoad® project at Hyderabad international airport was a success

StabilRoad® project at Hyderabad international airport was a success

From March 2020, the repair work on the existing roads and concourses of the Hyderabad International Airport began. In addition, new roads and parks serving the airport began to be built using StabilRoad® technology. The Government of India granted special permission to continue the work even during the quarantine period of the Covid-19 virus, which allowed for more extensive work, as air traffic was minimal at that time. During the renovation and reconstruction works, the Hyderabad airport taxiways, partially the alternate runway and the entire main runway were stabilized using StabilRoad® technology. In total, nearly 300,000 m² of surface was stabilized.

One of the largest cargo aircraft, the Airbus Beluga, landed at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) on December 4, giving the onlookers a rare and extraordinary experience. Hyderabad airport authorities arranged this landing on the runway, which was part of the StabilRoad® method carried out in 2020 and 2021, covering a total area of ​​700,000 square meters.

The use of StabilRoad® technology at Hyderabad International Airport once again proved its efficiency and durability. The technology allows heavily loaded roads and runways to maintain their quality and functionality even under intensive use. The StabilRoad® method has helped reduce maintenance costs and extend the life of roads, providing an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution. Hyderabad International Airport’s major project is a model for future airport infrastructure projects, proving that high-quality and durable road can be achieved even in challenging conditions.

Tag Archive for: taxiways

Renovation of Hyderabad international airport

Renovation of Hyderabad international airport

In March 2020, extensive renovation work began at Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. The main objective of the project was to improve the airport’s infrastructure by ensuring safe and durable taxiways and runways that meet international standards and can withstand heavy traffic loads. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is named after the former Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, and is recognized as one of the best airports in the world, having made AirHelp’s top ten list in the world.

During the project, StabilRoad® technology was used, with the help of which all the runways and taxiways, with a total length of 8 kilometers, were stabilized. The entire existing pavement structure was stabilized, making the airport runways more durable and long-lasting. Reusing existing material reduced the need for new materials and contributed to environmental sustainability.

The renovation of Hyberbad International Airport was a successful project that demonstrated the benefits of using StabilRoad® technology. Thanks to StabilRoad® technology, airport runways are now stronger and more durable, providing safe and comfortable flight operations for thousands of passengers and goods.

Project data

  • Project Manager: Vishwa Samudra Engineering
  • Location: Hyderabad, India
  • Area: 300,000 m2
  • Construction period: March 2020 – March 2021
  • Construction period: 1 year

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